Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse Review

While Warner Brothers is continuing to struggle to make a decent DC film, and Marvel is doing its best to keep staleness from creeping into their now 20+ picture repertoire, Sony Pictures — specifically the Imageworks Animation branch — have cooked up a high-energy film that not only finds new ground in an over-trodden landscape, […]

Sicario : Day of the Soldado- Review

Can a sequel to a Dennis Villeneuve movie, shot by Roger Deakins no less, actually be good, or I dare say as good as the first one? Well as long as Taylor Sheridan is writing your script, the answer appears to be yes. Sicario 2 expands on the ideas of the first one as well […]


A horror classic is born. Hereditary follows a mother, Annie (played by Toni Collette, who absolutely will get nominated for Oscars this year after this movie) who comes from an extremely “spiritual” family background and finds herself having to confront that background when her mother passes away. Tragedy ensues for her, her husband Steve, and […]

Solo: A Star Wars Story-Review

Welcome to the Canon Expanded Universe ya’ll.Also, this movie is great. I really don’t want to spoil Solo so I won’t here, I’m sure me and Matt will get into it later on. However, before talking about the movie itself and to just address the “lack of” excitement people have expressed online (usually preceded by […]

Deadpool 2-Review

Deadpool breathed new life into superhero movies back in 2016. An R-rated action comedy that embraced the ridiculous of the character previously ignored by the same studio years ago, with the same actor nonetheless. Now we get a film that takes everything that worked about Deadpool and dials it up to 11. Deadpool 2 is […]

Editorial: The Importance of Black Panther and Diversity

Still from Black Panther (2018) The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) is a large family of movies full of diverse characters made by tons of different people. The newest movie to join the MCU is Black Panther. The MCU has focused on being diverse and keeping films unique by doing so. Black Panther is no exception […]

MCU “Post-Mortem”

The Marvel Cinematic Universe shouldn’t have worked. Every other major film franchise dealing with superheroes fell apart at some point. Superman with Superman 3 and 4. Batman with Batman Forever and Batman & Robin. Blade got Blade Trinity. X-Men had Last Stand and Origins. Spiderman had Spider-Man 3, and then two reboot movies. Some of […]

A Quiet Place- Review

Horror movies are great again. Films likes The Babadook, It Follows, Insidious, The Conjuring, Sinister, The VVitch, Hush, and others I’m sure I’m just forgetting about at the time of this review are breathing new life into what was widely considered a trope-filled, stale genre. A Quiet Place is one of those films, and is […]

Editorial: Marvel- One Roof

So, it’s happened. Disney now owns both Marvel Studios and 21st Century Fox, as well as having at least the character license to Hulk and Spider-Man. Marvel is back under one roof, and this is happening, for better or worse. Now, for those who are less versed in this nerdom of characters, what did this […]